Company Overview

Company Overview

Company Name
Three i’s Capital Co. Ltd
Address:3rd Floor, Sanno Grand Building, 2-14-2 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0014
Tel/Fax:+81-3-6457-9503 / +81-3-6457-9513
Takamatsu Office
Address:1F, 3-9-30 Kaminocho, Takamatsu-shi,Kagawa 760-0053
Tel/Fax:+81-87-880-0965 / +81-87-880-0975
December 2014
50 million yen
Representative Director
Masanori Sueoka
Real Estate Transaction Business (Governor of Tokyo License(2) No. 97618)
Type II Financial Instruments Business,
Investment Advisory and Agency Business (Kanto Finance Bureau Director (Financial Instruments Business) No. 2989)
I.Real Estate Business
 1.Real Estate Fund Structuring and Asset Management
 2.Real Estate Sales, Brokerage, and Consulting Services
 3.Private Placement and Brokerage Services for Real Estate Trust Beneficiary Rights
II.Operating Lease Business
 1.Structuring and Sales of Operating Lease Funds for vessels, aircraft, etc.
 2.Asset Management Services
III.Principal Investment Business
 1.Investment Business in Real Estate, Movable Assets, Renewable Energy Projects, etc
 2.Investment Business in Companies and Businesses


Jun 2013
Establishment of Parent Company
December 2014
Establishment of Three i's Capital : Has been the group's core entity since then.
March 2015
Registration of Real Estate Broker License
March 2017
Structured Real Estate Small Lot Trust Beneficiary Rights Scheme and commenced Asset Management
April 2017
Registration of Type II Financial Instruments Business
February 2018
Office Relocation (from Sangenjaya to Nagatacho)
October 2018
Commenced Operating Lease Business
October 2019
Registration of Investment Advisory and Agency Business
May 2020
Launched Takamatsu Office